We are proud of our new web side. We put a lot of month inside and worked hard for all. Take your time and fell what we mean.
That' our target!
This relaunch is much more frech, modern and will give you a better overview. Together with IWS, LEHNERT and OPW we got this standardized new design as a basis for all. You will find all the products faster and efficient. Off course also working with mobil devices.
You will find a new tool to contact us with tool to find the right contact person very fast.
The measuring software OPW-S4.0 is one highlight of the exhibition stand of OPW at CONTROL 2017 in Stuttgart.
Take a look for yourself and pay us a visit!
Hall 3, Stand 3504
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Das neueste Produkt aus dem Hause OPW ist unsere Wellenmessmaschine.
Erfahren Sie mehr!
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Seit September 2015 arbeitet OPW mit einer CNC Flachschleifmaschine, die 1000 x 600 mm schleifen kann. Damit ist das Oberndorfer Präzisions-Werk in der Lage auch große Messvorrichtungen in einer Aufspannung herzustellen. Es sind Formen und Teilungen möglich. Ein Abrichter erlaubt das Aufbringen von Formen und Profilen.
OPW's reference components are accurate down to the last micrometre and referred to as standard reference gauges. Just as components are sometimes turned into one-off gauges we have set up a dedicated website for our standard reference gauges focusing on one key issue: Absolute precision.
To find out more please visit www.einstellmeister.de.
On October 1st guests from the worlds of politics and industry joined OPW to celebrate the ground-breaking ceremony for the firm?s new production hall on Neckarstrasse in Oberndorf. The modern, energy-efficient building will take shape directly adjacent to OPW's headquarters and provide 1,000 square metres of additional production capacity spread over two levels.
PDF herunterladenWe have the honour of providing the cover photo for the new brochure published by the German Engineering Federation (VDMA). The photo is taken from our own company brochure and found particular favour with the VDMA because of its clear, modern perspective on work in the field of measuring and control technology.